Recent Posts Archive ................Art ........ Math................ explores art that is influenced by math and mathematics ideas to make these ideas more vi....vid. SEATTLE........ WA ........January 24........ 2018 http://katevrijmoet.com/blog/art-math-art-intersect-math-coca-march-1-april-14/
Recent Posts Archive The Incredible Intensity of Just Being Human........ Exhibit As Social Practice Art ........Above........ volunteers........ visitors........ artists and esteemed guests. Nearly 200 people gather for the exhibit opening. Photo cred http://katevrijmoet.com/blog/how-i-turned-art-exhibit-one-complete-work-art/
Recent Posts Archive It........s all fun and games at the Seattle Erotic Art Festival I produced and performed a piece ....of Social Art. Some say Social Sculpture. Others call it Ironic Participation. Social art http://katevrijmoet.com/blog/ironic-participation-seattle-erotic-art-festival/