Recent Posts Archive Artist Statement I........m reworking my artist statement after a workshop I took. How does this work for you........ Does it make my work clear http://katevrijmoet.com/blog/artist-statement/
Recent Posts Archive The Risk by Anne Sexton When a daughter tries suicide and the ....chimney falls down like a drunk and the dog chews her tail off and the kitchen blows up it http://katevrijmoet.com/blog/the-stigma.-the-risk.-a-non-ordinary-reality./
Recent Posts Archive Last fall I painted 50 paintings in 50 days........ and made a powerful discovery........ the lifelong connection of my work to the scream that wanted to be screamed http://katevrijmoet.com/blog/ribs-of-disaster-curving-their-assertion-among-the-tentative-hau/