Omphaloskepsis Blog

See a preview of this stunning project produced by YoungArts. I'm so proud to be a part of this. Our film, Variations on Breathing, will be released November 5

12 steps to working with people who live with mental illness I made a decision early in the planning stages of The Incredible Intensity of Just Being Human not to include palliative programming. Recently, I listened to an NPR podcast that had me thinking…

I can think of lots of reasons to take a break from work. For me, the biggest impact has been that I've been able to get away from the incessant approval machine. Even though I have intrinsic motivation for my art practice, when I constantly looking f…

Why it’s important to give yourself permission to take a break. [Art] isn't about being in the studio, it's about being in the world. - Robert Irwin A couple of years ago a local gallery owner paid me a visit with an eye towards representation. …
Non-ordinary Connection Art connects us. It tells us we’re human, we’re like one another, we feel the same emotions. My mission as a human being, and my job as an artist, is to use art to create deep connections among us. Those deep connect…

Averse Attractions: Why we can't look away I'm delighted to see that the discussion about the grotesque is in the mainstream again. I wrote about this several years ago: The psychological attraction of gore Recently the Huffington Post started a discu…

Why you do it, that is the question to answer. "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it." Simon Sinec said that to explain successful endeavors. So, why do you do it? It is my mission as a human and my job as an artist to use art to crea…

I was very excited to learn today that Senator Leahy has introduced an important amendment to the tax law and it's now sitting with the Committee on Finance. S. 931 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide that a deduction equal to fa…

CARR law survives, now what? Can we roll this out to the rest of the country? I've never understood why artists in music, writing, acting, and film-making receive royalties, but visual artists do not. I support artists receiving resale royalties on th…