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Omphaloskepsis Blog

Gaffing Hook Accident

Aug 25, 2010


This is the set up for Gaffing Hook Accident (and I’m looking at Vacuum in the background and noticing how that flesh looks really clear to me)


It was a long night last night. We we both tired, Thomas was coming down with something, and neither of us were sure how this was going to work. And I was not so considerate, talking Thomas’ ear off for too long before we began. But Thomas, Thomas! He fabricated a huge gaffing hook! It’s beautiful! I should’ve taken a photo so I can post it here. It’s incredible! I have to make that right. I think this was the least fun to make, he was the most uncomfortable and I was so worried about him! So, not a lot of laughter last night. Just tried to work fast and stay focused. Ray C. Freeman III even came over with a suspension belt to lend me! Thank you Ray!!!!. As you can see from the set up above we didn’t end up using it. But Greg may.


another view of the set up (machete accident in background with Thomas full of “Marielismo” as Elatia so aptly and brilliantly put it)
And then poor Thomas, this was hard. I think he should get a standing ovation wherever he goes.


Love the painting that came out of all that pain! After all... what’s a painting without the pain?! (ar ar ar ar)


Here’s the stuff I thought funny. Thomas was texting someone while he was hanging there. Not the whole time, I couldn’t have painted that way, just while I was mixing some colors, but when he finished, I took his phone and shot an iPhone pic of him hanging in the air so he could send it and that person could see just how he was talking. Again, I should’ve taken his photo while hanging and texting but I didn’t want to interrupt him by laughing but I was crying with laughter on the inside when I turned around and saw that.

One of the things that reoccurs for me since starting the Accident Paintings is that many people tell me about their accidents. The very sad and funny thing that happened last night was that I thought I was going to share one of my family stories back. Do you know how – when you get with your family, and start talking about old family stories and splitting a gut because its the most hysterical thing in the world? – yeah. It’s not like that when you tell those same stories to strangers. They just say, “I thought you said this was a funny story.” And then you blush and feel exposed. I thought it was going to be a funny story too, now I’m just fascinated by how strange and wonderful family dynamics can be, I liked it better when that story was funny. And I know I’m not the only one who grew up in a large family, or a mixed family or an under-privileged family or whatever that thing or things are -  who’s had one or ten of these “oh, that’s a little out of the ordinary,” kind of moments. They’re harsh. You have to grow up making joy out of tragedy and finding the laughter in the day. I’m innately joyful, but in general, when you grow up like my dad did, that seems to be the case, you look for your own moments of siezable, mischievous joy. Or you don’t survive, even if you remain alive.

The very useful thing about blogging about the work is that I get to analyze briefly each session and make adjustments for the next time. And it’s amazingly effective! It’s very very useful for me. Usually it’s the paintings. But lessons of all kinds are helpful and needed to grow.

I’m putting my mojo out there -
(I REALLY need a new studio – putting it out in the universe: easy geographical access to get to kids if they need me, heat, air, ventilation, huge warehouse space -3000+ sq feet- so I can set up work stations, access to a truck to move art and equip around, free so I can keep sharing work in Pioneer Sq. to the public, physical structure that enables me to do things like - hook up equipment to overhead beams and hang my models from harnesses! LOL! And some funding to help me build it out the way I need it. How’s that for a wish list? Very specific. I’m desperate for a new computer + new Photoshop too. ~~~~~~ ok out it goes. I’ll keep me posted!)

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