Omphaloskepsis Blog
Le Cirque Noir
Jan 23, 2014
Today, as promised, I thinned my paints a bit hoping for more drips akin to the larger portraiture. It wasn't enough I can see. Friday I paint again and I'll thin them another step and see how that changes the composition of the painting. This was a very difficult day of painting for me. Two long breaks and comments and questions broke my concentrations, which wouldn't have been such a problem if this wasn't such a difficult pose, but the distractions only added to my frustration. I almost gave up when the face wasn't looking satisfactory to me. But I perservered. I'm glad. I love the pants. I especially love where the white hoop overlaps the pants on the model's right leg and it gets a little visually confusing. I also like the highlight on the right of her right eye, the way her left breast is painted both in and above the shirt, and her hair. But I love the pleated folds of her pants above the shoes. My husband really loves the curtains behind her. Some happy accidents here.