Omphaloskepsis Blog
New year, new goals (Updated)
Jan 7, 2015
Happy New Year.
I feel pretty good about 2014 because in 2014 I met quite a few of my long term goals as well as my short term goals.
- I received my first grant, and then my second one in 2014
- My blog on The broader economic implications of donating your art went viral (4 times) and was republished in 3 countries in 2 languages, had over 2 million hits and over 30,000 facebook shares! I was not expecting that.
- As a result...I became a published author!
- I also became a curator in 2014 for The Incredible Intensity of Just Being Human, which opens this Friday, January 9th in Seattle City Hall
- Then I became a published author again when I wrote the curator's essay, the back cover copy and the acknowledgements for our exhibit book.
- I got paid to curate twice
- I got paid to exhibit thrice
- I sold many paintings
- And I learned some alternative (legal!) ways to make some income as well, including...Co-renting my studio and my parking space
- Through curating, I learned some new conflict resolution skills that I was able to put into practice and will blog about later in the year when I figure out how to do it without hurting feelings.
Up next
This year I see that the Queen of Capable, the inimitable Alyson B. Stanfield is hosting a New Year Business Goals webinar, which I will attend after the fact by downloading the recording. In preparation for her webinar I've filled out her guideline and wrote my quarterly goals
Now I bought FileMaker and tried to import my Bento files...and it worked, but it's just the raw data. I think I'm going to have to redesign the template first and then import into the template. So, all in all it's easier than I feared, not as easy as I hoped.
Now I'm going to show yo:
- That I've started to reorganize my studio
- Why my studio needs reorganization
Are you ready? Here goes: (and by the way...this is just my studio, I have stuff all over the place in the storage area of the building! grr. (Maybe I can tackle that in 2016)
These are some of the storage bins I bought in 6-packs at Costco...and some of the mess. But you can see I've begun sorting and organizing
Here's what needs doing:
I have to rebuild my vertical files and store my art better
These are my painting rags, along with a spare pillow in case I need a nap. :)
My work bench. It's probably 150 years old or more. I took it out of our 200 year old barn before we moved from NY to Seattle
Are you ready for the after pictures?!!
Here they are...voilà!