Omphaloskepsis Blog
Rotate-rinse-almost ready to announce
Mar 25, 2011
Photographer Ken Wagner at today’s photoshoot in his studio. this gives you a sense of scale of this painting.
It looks to me like Ken’s about to get splashed-I’m happy to report. Of course the painting orients the other way, but we had to photograph it this way. Soon I’ll be ready to announce it and put it on my home page but it was amazing meeting Ken Wagner today. I really learned a lot from him about working with people.
Right now I’m writing a curatorial proposal about change blindness theory and mindsight. I spent the day yesterday reading real studies and a neuro-science book. I get so excited about this, the reading is so fast for me. I had to notice the great difference between this and other materials I’ve been working on lately and how they’re not quite so facile. I have to wonder if it’s like this for other people, if you latch onto a subject and can really delve deeply into it with passion.
[thank you kevin for the link to the brain science podcast!]